At 4 months Macey weighs 14 lb. 2 oz. and is 25 inches long
(about the 75th percentile for height and weight).
She can sit up for short periods of time with help (or pillows), so she doesn't like laying back anymore- always wants to be sitting up or standing.
She still loves to stand
And loves toys now. She's likes this jumper, but can't touch the ground yet so she stands on boxes.
We started her on rice cereal a few weeks early (when she stopped sleeping through the night)
and she has done great with it
We just put this bumbo seat away because she can almost get out of it by arching her back.
Plus her chubby thighs kept getting stuck in it :)
She sucks her thumb now
She LOVES to be outside.
We babysat our friends' little boy, Bo, and took them for a walk- I love that picture of Chad :)
We spent some time at the pool while Aunt Tara was in town